Source: State of Hillsfar

Even though you are a non-human, despite Hillsfar's Great Law of Humanity, you continue to live in the City of Trade. You do so by maintaining a secret identity, forging documents, and even wearing a disguise. Few, if any, know you aren't human.

If you're a halfling or a gnome, you pass as a little person or a child. If you're a half-elf, half-orc, or genasi, you disguise your non-human features. Other races use a combination of disguise and concealing clothing to hide.

Your reasons for doing so are your own. Perhaps you're a great dissident or the agent of a foreign power. Maybe you have a relationship with someone you cannot bear to leave. Regardless, this way of life has taken a heavy toll on you.

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, forgery kit
Equipment: A disguise kit Value:25gp Weight:3lbs , a forgery kit Value:15gp Weight:5lbs , a set of common clothes Value:5sp Weight:3lbs , a belt pouch, 5gp.
Lifestyle: Modest

Feature: Secret Identity

You have created a secret identity that you use to conceal your true race and that offers a covering explanation for your presence in Hillsfar. In addition, you can forge documents, including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy.

[Note: This feature is a variant of the Charlatan feature.]

Secret Identity Personality Trait

d8 Personality Trait
1 Despite its problems, I love Hillsfar, it's the greatest city in the world. The only one for me.
2 I move from place to place, never staying anywhere long and leaving nothing behind.
3 I think flattery is the best way to direct attention away from me.
4 I don't make friends easily. They're a liability I cannot afford.
5 Risk and danger exhilarate me. Pulling off schemes and deceptions is a rush.
6 The First Lord is right, humans are superior. I really admire them, despite the atrocities.
7 I avoid people of my own race, as well as things associated with my race, lest they give me away.
8 I live for the Arena. I admire gladiators and enjoy the thrill of blood on the sands!

Secret Identity Ideals

d6 Ideal
1 Quisling. Supporting the rulers of the land and following the laws is the road to salvation.
2 Scoflaw. The laws and lawmakers are corrupt. I follow laws only when it suits me. (Chaotic)
3 Optimist. Everyone is basically good. Though the government is misguided it will all be okay. (Any)
4 Secretive. I am in the habit of not talking about myself. My business is none of yours. (Any)
5 Heroic. I do everything I can to help non-humans, regardless of the personal cost to me. (Good)
6 Depraved. I have lost my moral compass. The ends justify most any means. (Evil)

Secret Identity Bonds

d6 Bond
1 The humans of Hillsfar have inflicted terrible harm on me, my family, and my race. I will have revenge.
2 I am part of an underground network that smuggles non-humans into and out of the city.
3 I am a partisan. I commit minor acts of defiance against the First Lord and Red Plumes when I can.
4 I am a spy. I report on events in and around Hillsfar.
5 My secret identity is the only thing protecting me from the Arena. I will stop at nothing to maintain it.
6 I am madly in love with a human who does not know my true identity, and I fear rejection if I reveal it.

Secret Identity Flaws

d6 Flaw
1 After years of denying who I am, I now despise myself and other members of my pathetic race.
2 Years of hiding have made me somewhat paranoid. I trust no one.
3 I've been lying so often and for long that I can't help it anymore. I frequently lie for no reason at all.
4 I am ashamed. I failed to protect a member of my family who was seized and thrown into the Arena.
5 I am struggling with maintaining my secret identity. I subconsciously want to get caught and therefore sometimes let my secret identity slip.
6 Years of successfully deceiving others have made me cocky. I think no one can see through my lies.