Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse

Centaurs gallop throughout the multiverse and trace their origins to many different realms. The centaurs presented here hail from the Feywild and mystically resonate with the natural world. From the waist up, they resemble elves, displaying all the elf varieties of skin tone. From the waist down, they have the bodies of horses.

Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica

In the sprawling city of Ravnica, where "open road" seems like a contradiction and "open plain" is sheer nonsense, centaurs nevertheless retain a love of wide spaces and the freedom to travel. As much as they can, centaurs run-in wide plazas, spacious parks, and expanses of rubble and ruin. They race the wind, hooves thundering and tails streaming behind them, until the next wall looms in their path and brings them to a stop.

Centaurs have the upper bodies, down to the waist, of muscular humans, displaying all the human variety of skin tones and features. Their ears are slightly pointed, but their faces are wider and squarer than those of elves. Below the waist, they have the bodies of small horses, with a similar range of coloration - from various s hades of chestnut or bay to dappled or even zebra like striped patterns. Most centaurs style their hair and their tails in a similar way. Selesnya centaurs favor long, flowing hair. Gruul centaurs cut their hair in rough. spiky styles.

The upper bodies of centaurs are comparable to human torsos in size, and their lower equine bodies average about 4 feet tall al the withers. Though they are smaller than a human rider mounted on a horse, they fill similar roles as cavalry warriors. messengers, outriders, and scouts.

Mythic Odysseys of Theros

Powerful and curious, quick to act and knowledgeable of the wider world, centaurs seek to experience life's boundless bounty. The centaurs of Theros are divided into two groups: members of the far-traveling Lagonna band and the proud raiders of the Pheres band. These bands occupy territories situated between the three major human poleis, making them common sights to those who travel human lands. Not ones to settle in permanent homes, though, centaurs might be found wherever there are wonders to be witnessed and adventures to be had.

Though centaurs share the same basic physiology, the centaur bands are commonly associated with their own distinct traits.

Lagonna band centaurs tend to be sleek and muscular, with powerful legs built for endurance rather than speed. They usually have coats of a single color, often with a shine that can look metallic in bright light.

Pheres band centaurs typically have long, nimble legs and lean bodies, and are often marked with natural color patterns on their hide. Pheres centaurs sometimes paint or tattoo their upper bodies to match the patterns on their lower half. Occasionally, a Pheres centaur is born with vertical stripes on their hooves, foretelling an exciting and adventurous life.