Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse

Once members of a people who escaped servitude to mind flayers, githyanki split from their cousins, githzerai, and fled to the Astral Plane. In that timeless, silvery realm, githyanki honed their psionic powers and built a great city called Tu’narath. They have since spread throughout the multiverse, starting in outposts outside the Astral Plane, called creches, where time passes and their children can reach adulthood.

A lanky people with skin tones of yellows, greens, and browns, githyanki complement their physical prowess with psionic might, instilled in them by mind flayers and cultivated over eons in the Astral Plane. Now all githyanki can use their psychic bond with that plane to access splinters of knowledge left behind by beings who travel, live, and die among the silver astral clouds.

Githyanki who reside in the Astral Plane can live indefinitely.

Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

The warlike githyanki and the contemplative githzerai are a sundered people – two cultures that utterly despise one another. The brutal githyanki are trained from birth as warriors, while the githzerai hone their minds to a razor’s edge in their fortresses within Limbo. But before there were githyanki or githzerai, these creatures were a single race enslaved by the illithids.

Although they attempted to overthrow their masters many times, their rebellions were repeatedly crushed until a great leader named Gith arose. After much bloodshed, Gith and her followers threw off the yoke of their illithid masters, but another leader named Zerthimon emerged in the aftermath of battle. Zerthimon challenged Gith's motives, claiming that her strict martial leadership and desire for vengeance amounted to little more than another form of slavery for her people. A rift erupted between followers of each leader, and they eventually became the two races whose enmity endures to this day: the Githyanki in the way of Gith, and the Githzerai in the way of Zerthimon.

Whether these tall, gaunt creatures were peaceful or savage, cultured or primitive before the illithids enslaved and changed them, none can say. Not even the original name of their race remains from that distant time.

The githyanki plunder countless worlds from the decks of their astral vessels and the backs of red dragons. Feathers, beads, gems, and precious metals decorate their armor and weapons – the legendary silver swords with which they cut through their foes. Since winning their freedom from the illithids, the githyanki have become ruthless conquerors under the rulership of their dread lich-queen, Vlaakith.

Githyanki Character Concepts
d4 Githyanki Personality Trait
1 When I'm bored I make my own excitement, and I'm always bored.
2 I treat others as if they were animals that simply don't know any better.
3 Violence is a spice that makes life worth living.
4 Old age is a concept that I find fascinating. Maybe someday I too will be aged.
d4 Githyanki Ideal
1 Fidelity. Warriors are only as good as the vows they keep.
2 Power. The weak rule the strong.
3 Duty. It is by Vlaakith's will alone that I act.
4 Freedom. No strong soul should be enslaved. Better to die first than live as another's puppet.
d4 Githyanki Bond
1 There is no greater duty than to serve the Revered Queen.
2 Humanity thrives only because we conquered the illithids. Therefore, what is theirs is ours.
3 Without battle, life has no purpose.
4 Life is but a spark in the dark. We all go dark, but those who dare can burn bright.
d4 Githyanki Flaw
1 Hunger and thirst are unbearable pains to me.
2 I can't see a non-githyanki as a real threat.
3 I follow orders, regardless of their implications.
4 I start projects but never finish them.