During the mythical origins of Krynn, Reorx, god of craft, indulged in an age of unfettered creation. Many peoples sprang from his divine forge, but not all among them remained as the god created them. Altered by unbridled magic, a group of gnomes were transformed and gifted almost supernatural curiosity and fearlessness. These were the first kender.
Originating on the world of Krynn, kender are diminutive Humanoids that look like humans with pointed ears and diverse appearances. Kender have a supernatural curiosity that drives them to adventure. Due to this inquisitiveness, many kender find themselves falling through portals to other planes and worlds.
Kender sometimes amass impressive collections of curiosities. Some might collect mundane knickknacks or relics from magical sites, while others might become professional thieves.

Kender Traits

Source: Unearthed Arcana 83 - Heroes of Krynn Revisited