Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse

Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Blessed with a supernaturally strong sense of direction, minotaurs make great navigators. Some sages believe minotaurs were first created by the Lady of Pain to patrol the magical mazes that she uses to trap her foes.

Minotaur horns range in size from about 1 foot long to easily three times that length. Minotaurs often carve their horns to sharpen their edges, etch symbols of power into them, or sheathe them in bronze to prevent them from shattering during battle.

Thick hair extends down minotaurs’ necks and powerful backs, and some have long patches of hair on their chins and cheeks. Their legs end in heavy, cloven hooves, and they have long, tufted tails.

Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica

The minotaurs of Ravnica are strong in body. dedication, and courage. They are at home on the battlefield, willing to fight for their various causes. They combine a burning fury in battle with keen tactics that make them excellent commanders as well as valuable shock troops.

Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Their horns range in size from about 1 foot long to great, curling weapons easily three times that length. They often ornament their horns with metal rings or sheathe them in metal to protect them from damage.

Manes of shaggy fur extend down minotaurs' necks and powerful backs, and males have long tufts of hair on their chins and cheeks. Their legs end in heavy, cloven hooves. Minotaurs are born with long, tufted tails, but minotaurs of the Ordruun clan (and some others) have their tails docked as part of a coming-of-age ceremony; they find the heavy armor of the Boros legion much more comfortable without a long tail in the way.

Mythic Odyssey of Theros

The minotaurs who dwell in the badlands of Phoberos and the remote polis of Skophos are caught between two worlds. Some follow the dark god Mogis, who has tyrannized them for ages untold and shown them a trail of slaughter that is all many minotaurs have ever known. Others, though, have emerged from this bloody path and found a world that welcomes those who pursue their own destinies and heroic callings.

Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Their horns range in size from about 1 foot long to great, curling weapons easily three times that length. Theros minotaurs often carve their horns to sharpen their edges, etch symbols of power into them, or sheathe them in bronze to prevent them from shattering during battle.

Thick hair extends down minotaurs' necks and powerful backs, and some have long patches of hair on their chins and cheeks. Their legs end in heavy, cloven hooves, and they have long, tufted tails. Minotaur priests often adorn themselves with sacred items, be they trophies from fallen foes, keepsakes from their homeland, or naturally occurring marks of their god's favor.

Plane Shift - Amonkhet

Minotaurs are powerfully built, barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling rams. Their horns curl tightly against the sides of their heads to encircle their ears, and manes of shaggy fur — shorter in females — fall over their broad shoulders. As their appearance suggests, they combine physical strength with stubbornness, bravado, and reckless bravery. They revel in combat, especially when the odds against them seem overwhelming.

Minotaurs are rowdy, boisterous, and direct to the point of rudeness. They have no qualms about declaring what they want and defying others to keep it from them. In combat, they bellow loud challenges in defiance of their foes, and roar with laughter as they triumph.

Minotaurs believe they hold a unique place among the races of Amonkhet. The khenra can look to Hazoret, the naga to Rhonas, and the aven to Kefnet to see themselves represented among the gods. Humans have no single god to look to, which explains why they demonstrate such variety. But only one god bears a pair of curving horns: the God-Pharaoh himself, who holds a special place for many of the minotaurs of Amonkhet.