Level Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Cantrip Decompose (HB) Necromancy 1 Action Touch 1 minute V, S
3rd Freedom of the Waves (HB) Conjuration HB 1 action 120 feet Instantaneous V, S, M
5th Freedom of the Winds (HB) Abjuration HB 1 action Self Concentration up to 10 minutes V, S, M
6th Widogast's Transmogrification (HB) Transmutation 1 hour Touch Instantaneous V, S, M
4th Widogast's Vault of Amber (HB) Transmutation 1 minute R Touch Until dispelled V, S, M
4th Widogast's Web of Fire (HB) Evocation 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S, M