Source: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
Carved from the heartstone of a slain earth primordial, these gauntlets bestow immeasurable might to their wearer. In recent times, they were wielded by the legendary barbarian Grog Strongjaw, who continues to use them as he seeks worthy challengers across Tal’Dorei and Exandria.
Dormant. While the Titanstone Knuckles are in a dormant state, your Strength score becomes 22 while you wear these gauntlets. Additionally, your weapon attacks deal double damage to objects and structures.
Awakened. When the Titanstone Knuckles reach an awakened state, they gain the following properties:
Exalted. When the Titanstone Knuckles reach an exalted state, they gain the following properties: