This warlock spell list does not include optional spells available from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything or spells from the Unearthed Arcana playtests. For the complete warlock list, see Warlock Spell List
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Blade Ward Abjuration 1 Action Self 1 round V, S
Chill Touch Necromancy 1 Action 120 feet 1 round V, S
Create Bonfire Conjuration 1 Action 60 Feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Eldritch Blast Evocation 1 Action 120 Feet Instantaneous V, S
Friends Enchantment 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute S, M
Frostbite Evocation 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S
Infestation Conjuration 1 Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S, M
Mage Hand Conjuration 1 Action 30 feet 1 minute V, S
Magic Stone Transmutation 1 Bonus Action Touch 1 minute V, S
Minor Illusion Illusion 1 Action 30 feet 1 minute S, M
Poison Spray Conjuration 1 Action 10 feet Instantaneous V, S
Prestidigitation Transmutation 1 Action 10 feet Up to 1 hour V, S
Thunderclap Evocation 1 Action Self (5-foot radius) Instantaneous S
Toll the Dead Necromancy 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S
True Strike Divination 1 Action 30 feet Concentration up to 1 round S
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Armor of Agathys Abjuration 1 Action Self 1 hour V, S, M
Arms of Hadar Conjuration 1 Action Self (10-foot radius) Instantaneous V, S
Cause Fear Necromancy 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Charm Person Enchantment 1 Action 30 feet 1 hour V, S
Comprehend Languages Divination 1 Action R Self 1 hour V, S, M
Distort Value Illusion 1 Minute Touch 8 hours V
Expeditious Retreat Transmutation 1 Bonus Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S
Hellish Rebuke Evocation 1 Reaction 60 feet Instantaneous V, S
Hex Enchantment 1 Bonus Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Illusory Script Illusion 1 Minute R Touch 10 days S, M
Protection from Evil and Good Abjuration 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M
Unseen Servant Conjuration 1 Action R 60 feet 1 hour V, S, M
Witch Bolt Evocation 1 Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Borrowed Knowledge Divination 1 Action Self 1 hour V, S, M
Cloud of Daggers Conjuration 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Crown of Madness Enchantment 1 Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Darkness Evocation 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, M
Earthbind Transmutation 1 Action 300 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V
Enthrall Enchantment 1 Action 60 feet 1 minute V, S
Flock of Familiars Conjuration 1 Minute Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Hold Person Enchantment 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Invisibility Illusion 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Mind Spike Divination 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour S
Mirror Image Illusion 1 Action Self 1 minute V, S
Misty Step Conjuration 1 Bonus Action Self Instantaneous V
Ray of Enfeeblement Necromancy 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Shadow Blade Illusion 1 Bonus Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Shatter Evocation 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S, M
Spider Climb Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Spray Of Cards Conjuration 1 Action Self (15-foot cone) Instantaneous V, S, M
Suggestion Enchantment 1 Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 8 hours V, M
Warp Sense Divination 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Antagonize Enchantment 1 Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S, M
Counterspell Abjuration 1 Reaction 60 feet Instantaneous S
Dispel Magic Abjuration 1 Action 120 feet Instantaneous V, S
Enemies Abound Enchantment 1 Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Fear Illusion 1 Action Self (30-foot cone) Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Fly Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 10 minute V, S, M
Gaseous Form Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Hunger Of Hadar Conjuration 1 Action 150 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Hypnotic Pattern Illusion 1 Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute S, M
Incite Greed Enchantment 1 action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Magic Circle Abjuration 1 Minute 10 feet 1 hour V, S, M
Major Image Illusion 1 Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M
Remove Curse Abjuration 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S
Summon Lesser Demons Conjuration 1 Action 60 Feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Thunder Step Conjuration 1 Action 90 feet Instantaneous V
Tongues Divination 1 Action Touch 1 hour V, M
Vampiric Touch Necromancy 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Banishment Abjuration 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minutes V, S, M
Blight Necromancy 1 Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S
Charm Monster Enchantment 1 Action 30 feet 1 hour V, S
Dimension Door Conjuration 1 Action 500 feet Instantaneous V
Elemental Bane Transmutation 1 Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Galder's Speedy Courier Conjuration 1 Action 10 feet 10 minutes V, S, M
Gate Seal Abjuration 1 Minute 60 feet 24 hours V, S, M
Hallucinatory Terrain Illusion 10 Minutes 300 feet 24 hours V, S, M
Raulothim's Psychic Lance Enchantment 1 Action 120 feet Instantaneous V
Shadow Of Moil Necromancy 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Sickening Radiance Evocation 1 Action 120 Feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S
Spirit Of Death Necromancy 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Contact Other Plane Divination 1 Minute R Self 1 minute V
Danse Macabre Necromancy 1 Action 60 Feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Dream Illusion 1 Minute Special 8 hours V, S, M
Enervation Necromancy 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Far Step Conjuration 1 Bonus Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V
Hold Monster Enchantment 1 Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Infernal Calling Conjuration 1 Minute 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Negative Energy Flood Necromancy 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, M
Scrying Divination 10 Minutes Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M
Synaptic Static Enchantment 1 Action 120 feet Instantaneous V, S
Wall of Light Evocation 1 Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Arcane Gate Conjuration 1 Action 500 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S
Circle of Death Necromancy 1 Action 150 feet Instantaneous V, S, M
Conjure Fey Conjuration 1 Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Create Undead Necromancy 1 Minute 10 feet Instantaneous V, S, M
Eyebite Necromancy 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Flesh to Stone Transmutation 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Investiture of Flame Transmutation 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S
Investiture of Ice Transmutation 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S
Investiture of Stone Transmutation 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S
Investiture of Wind Transmutation 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S
Mass Suggestion Enchantment 1 Action 60 feet 24 hours V, M
Mental Prison Illusion 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute S
Scatter Conjuration 1 Action 30 feet Instantaneous V
Soul Cage Necromancy Special 60 feet 8 hours V, S, M
True Seeing Divination 1 Action Touch 1 hour V, S, M
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Crown of Stars Evocation 1 Action Self 1 hour V, S
Etherealness Transmutation 1 Action Self Up to 8 hours V, S
Finger of Death Necromancy 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S
Forcecage Evocation 1 Action 100 feet 1 hour V, S, M
Plane Shift Conjuration 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S, M
Power Word: Pain Enchantment 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Demiplane Conjuration 1 Action 60 feet 1 hour S
Dominate Monster Enchantment 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Feeblemind Enchantment 1 Action 150 feet Instantaneous V, S, M
Glibness Transmutation 1 Action Self 1 hour V
Maddening Darkness Evocation 1 Action 150 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, M
Power Word: Stun Enchantment 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Astral Projection Evocation 1 Hour 10 feet Special V, S, M
Foresight Divination 1 Minute Touch 8 hours V, S, M
Imprisonment Abjuration 1 Minute 30 feet Until dispelled V, S, M
Power Word: Kill Enchantment 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V
Psychic Scream Enchantment 1 Action 90 feet Instantaneous S
True Polymorph Transmutation 1 Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M

R - Ritual Spell